Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Finally getting this started

Lots of changes are happening with the Bunco Brigade.  Sadly, we have lost Courtney, Jill, and Rachel Z.  Once we have new permanents in place, I will send out an updated list of addresses and months for this year.  We can talk about moving people around on the schedule this coming Monday if needed.  I'm sure you all saw Jill's email, but just a reminder that she will being doing a Stella and Dot trunk show as well this month so bring your checkbooks if you are interested.  I checked it out, and they have super cute jewelry on their site that would be great for Mother's Day.  I love this one:
You can also shop online here
I emailed Paige, Krista, and Rebecca to get the recipes from the last three months so I can get this blog caught up.  After that, I promise to keep up with it!  Looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday!
Address for Monday:
1803 Lost Maples Loop
Cedar Park TX 78613

1 comment:

  1. How crafty are you!! Thanks for linking me on your blog. Too cool. Ladies, get your orders in by April 30th and all those Mom's will receive their gifts on time!! Also, let's hook Jill up with some free jewelry by ordering some beautiful peices from Stella & Dot!! If you are interested, let me know and I'll personally place your order so that Jill will get the credit!! Thanks Ladies!! Allison Sexton
